Oceanography Resources
Here are some collections of Earth Science related professional literature or links to useful online sources (including classroom lessons and labs).
1. NOAA Teacher Resource Portal: The webpage has a number of resource collections covering Oceans & Coasts, Weather & Atmosphere, Climate, Marine Life, Freshwater, Elementary Science, Data Resources (using NOAA data), as well as Special Topics.
2. Schmidt Ocean Institute: This non-profit Institute provides a range of educational materials including lesson plans and information on careers.
3. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: This website provides both online teaching resources and classroom activities.
4. National Ocean Service: This NOAA website provides educational information for bot educators and students regarding our oceans.
5. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Education Programs: This website describes many education resources for teaching about meteorology, climate science, and oceanography. This includes very inexpensive online courses, summer programs for teachers, kits, and other resources.